MicroCenter had this Board and FX4100Black CPU on a bundel price so I went ahead and got it.
Got 2, 4GB Corsair Ram chips, 9, 9, 9, 24, 1.5V, Ploped them in, but the BIOS only sees half the ram.
With Both Chips installed I have 4GB, if I install 1 chip at a time it sees 2GB each no matter what order I put them in.
I double checked the memory sticks and thier DDR3 1333 4GB chips, this is the ram im using
It has a FX4100Cpu, 600Watt PowerSupply, a PCI-e nVidea 8400GX, a Firewire PCI card, 120GB SSD, and a 500GB SATA2 HD, running Windows7x64
The bios I updated to the beta F5
In the bios I changed from Perfamance to FailSafe, changed everything in thier I could think of but still only sees each chip as half of what it is. Windows Runs, but could use that extra ram for all the compiling/processing we use the system for. Money is tight so looking for ideas on What to try, should we get another set of ram to see if it works, maybe the board dosent like that ram, is it a bios setting, or what could be a issue making half the ram vanish?
Tried pulling the Video and Firewire out, leaving all slots empty, same thing, just around 3.75GB ram total after it uses 256mb for the onboard video.