Hello there, I've just registered today, and request for some help about this problem.

Recently, I had just bought a new 1TB Samsung HD103SJ for my dekstop, so I unpacked it and plug in with on one of the SATA slot on my motherboard with the ATA cable, but unfortunately after I switch my computer on, this new hardisk drive isn't detected during the POST, even on the BIOS. I have tried plug it in on different SATA slots, however same thing happen.
This drive works well my other computer, but not sure why it doesn't work on this one.
Also, I'm trying to use this drive with my other two drives, where one is Maxtor with IDE slot, and the other one is WDC with SATA slot(wonder why this one work, but not the Samsung)
My motherboard is GA-870A-UD3 rev2.2, the BIOS settings are default, haven't changed anything since I'm not sure what to change. xD
and I'm using Windows 7 x64.
Thanks for any help, if I'm miss some important details, do let me know, as I'm not very much sure what to put up there, but hope I have cover the basic info.