Updated my info as requested by you all
Im still having an issue with my board. Every since I got it its been great for about a month and a half now, now as soon as it starts to boot up after windows startup screen, I get the blue screen. Why?
Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3
Intel Core i5 2500K processor
XP Professional
Western Digital Caviar Blue WD10 Ealx 1TB Hard Drive
HL Data Storage - BGC-H20N
Antec High Current Gamer 620W (1 +12V Rail at 48A)
Corsair 8GB XMS3 DDR3 1600 Mhz
I did take down some info on the blue screen and it said - Page default in nonpaged area
dont know how to clear cmos. is that by removing the watch battery on the board. I have not done that yet, but i will try when i get home if thats what your talking about clearing cmos
I have not messed with the timing, or modified, no tweaking or overclocked anything. i just know how to put a computer together, just the basics in class. everything is stock as it comes on the board
No video card. just onboard video
when starting it up, I have not had any other portables usb drive, or usb extra anything attcahed to it. i tried to make it as simple to start up as possible