Official GIGABYTE Forum

PC sometimes reboots (in BIOS - before Windows load)

PC sometimes reboots (in BIOS - before Windows load)
« on: October 24, 2009, 05:03:40 pm »
Hello everyone

I’m not a native english speaker, so forgive my bad english.

I have the following, small problem. Once in a while, my computer reboots. This happens when I start the computer up, and right after I see ‘Memory testing OK’ the screen goes black and the PC reboots (ventilators start to spin 100 % etc). There are never problems after the reboot, it goes to Windows as it should.

This happens only once in a while (about 1 time a week) and never happens when I manually reboot in Windows or wake the pc from standby.

My friend who has the exact same configuration( we bought our PC’s together and I and another friend assebled them) never had this problem dicribed above. However, there are two differences:
* I have a MAXTOR external harddrive and he does not. I have not tried disconnecting this HD since I can hear it ‘spin up’ when the PC starts, even when it has the ‘reboot’-problem … .
* Also, I have a newer version of the motherboard’s BIOS … .

The good news is that the  PC works like a dream ... .  I have tested with memtest86 for 10 hours, stressed my video card for a few hours, run Prime95 and intelburntest for a few hours, scanned the HD’s, … . Every test is OK, temperatures are just fine etc. I also did a CMOS and loaded optimized and optimal defaults in the BIOS.
All my components have guarantee. The biggest problem is that I cannot reproduce the problem, if I took the PC to a PC shop chances are that the problem will not occur when they take a look at it … . I also would not like it to send a component for guarantee, because I have had a bad experience with this and apart from this problem the PC works just fine.
My questions:
* what could be the problem and
* the most important question, should I worry about it?
Many thanks for your answers!

Specs: Antec P182 - Intel i920 D0-stepping (@ stock), - Gigabyte X58 UDP4 - Scythe Mugen 2 - 3 x 2 Gb DDR3 Corsair 1333 MHz - Asus GTX 275 - 1 WD Caviar Green + 1 WD Caviar Black - Samsung 2433BW (1920 x 1200) - Logitech G5 Lasermouse - Logitech standard keyboard - OS: WinXp 32 bit
David - Belgium


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Re: PC sometimes reboots (in BIOS - before Windows load)
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 06:24:38 pm »
first of all disconnect external hdd to find out if it's the reason of the trouble

after connecting it again, you may use some usb debugging tools mentioned here:,628.msg2784.html#msg2784

try the setting in bios described at:,87.msg997.html#msg997

is your bios ver. F10H ? if not then get it from here:
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”


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Re: PC sometimes reboots (in BIOS - before Windows load)
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 02:16:10 pm »
I have the same issue (which is not bloacking) with BIOS F7 and 1600MHz RAM.

Other users complained about that. It seems to be solved by the latest beta bios revision:

Re: PC sometimes reboots (in BIOS - before Windows load)
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2009, 07:49:15 pm »
Thank you! This problem only occurs one out of ten times (I have all my USB devices disconnected apart from keyboard, mouse and printer) and it still does the stupid reboot once in a while :(

EDIT: Aaargfhhh ... I'm sorry to say but the answer I was looking for (expecting) was not in the thread you referred to :( I hope it( will be fixed with the next BIOS update since it seems to be a BIOS problem. Anyway, thanks for the link :)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 10:50:21 pm by Killertweety »