I have a WinXP install working just fine on my old Pentium4 SCSI based HDD.
I put 2 drives in my new machine, a SCSI/IDE SSD (not AHCI, all NTFS) with
EasyBCD that will boot Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, or to that second old drive WinXP.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit boots and runs just fine on this mobo:cpu combination.
whether the WinXP drive is alone or booting off the SSD's boot loader, it fails.
I can't even get into WinXP safe mode to install the lan/audio/mobo drivers.
is there some way I can "dumb down" this mobo:cpu using the bios settings
so it will allow this old SCSI based 32bit OS to run off that HDD properly?
I really don't want to have to re-install WinXP while this drive is on the new PC,
since the whole point of this migration was to keep that old drive install intact.