Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-X79-UD5 USB3 External disk keeps dropping off

GA-X79-UD5 USB3 External disk keeps dropping off
« on: March 01, 2013, 10:50:39 am »
I'm using Windows 7 64 Bit SP1 with all of the latest MS patches installed and I'm using the latest gigabyte drivers for my motherboard.
I have a Nexstar USB3 Disk Dock connected to the motherboards USB3 port. It has been working quite well for sometime, but recently I have been having some problems.

When I connect a disk and power on the Nexstar my PC makes the usual sound associated with a USB device being connected, but this is followed immediately by the sound associated with a USB device being disconnected. And of course there is no external disk available to my PC.

I have found if I launch the install process for the Fresco USB3 driver and do a repair then the disk becomes visible and all continues to work well - until I reboot my PC. After a reboot the problem reappears and I have to do a repair install of the driver again to get the external disk visible.

I would prefer not to do a full rebuild of my PC to remedy the issue but if someone knows how to fix this then please post a solution.
Alternatively if anyone knows the command-line options for the USB3 driver install (FLUSB3.0- to make it do a repair and not to display the gui, I could then put a script in my boot process as a work around.

Thank You

Re: GA-X79-UD5 USB3 External disk keeps dropping off
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 09:46:38 pm »
I've found the install options for the work around
C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /fa "FLUSB3.0-" /qn

Now I just need to find the root cause and fix that.


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Re: GA-X79-UD5 USB3 External disk keeps dropping off
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 08:40:55 pm »
    Might be related to USB3 power management bugs, already sick of them.
    Had several colleagues complaining about this on various USB3 external HDD, although most of the time the drives worked but disconnected during load (streaming a video file, copy data from/to the drive), not in idle or initialization. So, when power demand was higher.
    Besides using an updated/bugfree driver (your root problem seems to point out software pwm issues) you can always try to use an USB3 cable with an extra USB connector for more power, and connect it to a free USB2 port (to spare USB3 ones). It is frustrating, but it does the trick all the time. At least for me and my colleagues it did.
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