So, I know now never to use @bios but I didn't know that at the time.
Simply put, I ran @bios and now my PC won't boot. It shows the Gigabyte Splash screen then hangs on a black screen forever. This happens whether I let it boot normally or press Any of the F keys (F1, F8, F12 etc) as well as Delete and End.
The motherboard is a GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 3.0). I tried clearing the cmos both with jumpers and the battery method to no avail, as holding the power button down to force a DualBios restore but that didn't seem to work unless I am doing it wrong.
I haven't tried shorting the BIOS chip as I read elsewhere as I don't know what pins to use on my motherboard.
Any help would be appreciated as this is a replacement for a ASRock motherboard that was DOA and I don't have enough money to buy a 3rd replacement while I wait for RMA Refunds.