I've posted several emails about this and it has been suggested that you might report this to GIGA. They seem to make reporting problems very difficult.
IMO GIGA should be checking these forums - but I'm told they don't - which raises question WHY NOT?
Anyway if you can help it'd be good.
et6 broken on GA-78LMT-S2P (rev. 5.x)
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:15:54 pm »
I've posted this before - do gigabytes developers take any notice or is it just the latest m/bs that are supported? If so please tell us so we don't waste our time with these emails!!
I've installed the latest version of et6 2013.12.11 date 2014/2/27 from gigabyte site, on win7 -64 sp1. have latest bios F4a, fx4100 processor, 4Gbytes.
The problem is when I run et6 I only get the frequency tab, I DO NOT GET THE RATIO and VOLTAGE tabs as inm documentation. I know as a get out gigabyte say that et6 doesn't work for all systems, but this is a cop out - don't believe that they can't make it work - it is either the bios or the et6 software..
It should work for a modern processor, reasonably modern m/b