Very similar issues, my configuration is:
- Z87M DH3
- 2 x 4 Gb Dimms, Gskill Ripwjaws (1600 MHz, 9-9-9-24, 1.5 V)
- SSD Samsung 840 Pro 128 Gb for the system
- 1 HD WD 1 Tb
- 1 DVD-RW unit (Asus)
- Graphics: R9 270X by sapphire
- Power supply: fortron Aurum gold 500W
- Windows 7 64 bit Home full up to date
If I put both memory dimms on the motherboard, unexpected blue screens here and there, even not stressing the machine. Downloading a torrent helps a lot to let the crash show up. An easy one is "World of Warplanes" using the client of the installer.
If I put only one memory dimm (reducing available memory to 4 Gb), the machine becomes stable. If I put the other memory dimm (still 4 Gb), I observe the same issues (thus I marked them ...). That's why I first thought issues were linked with that dimm.
Then I tested with success each dimm individually and both of them with the last memtest program (from ultimate boot CD 5.2.7). When that program says the memory is OK, it's OK for me.
I'm very upset and don't really know what to do. I will try stabilize things by borrowing other brand's dimms at work. However Ripjaws are an example of rock steady memories, simple, not overcloked and working at standard voltage (1.5 V)
I assembled (and debugged) quite a number of PCs in my life, and I never faced such an headache prone situation.
I noted with great interest the "power load" option from the BIOS. I will keep the forum informed of my investigations.