Currently: Because i bought this as an open boxed item from new egg and it's past its manufacturing service date (2 or 3 years) for an RMA even though I just bough it 1 year ago....................
The on board audio at the rear jacks have shut down completely. Head phones work and maybe the optical rear jack don't have.
(the on board audio is the reason i bought the board) my old system had a $300.00 sound card but no windows 7 support for the OEM.
I did not need to get a sound card if the board had a chip set, on board was good enough.
My Video Card failed to initialize.
At this time since i do not wish to buy another motherboard I can not shut down my computer for a cold boot.
I must place it in sleep mode.
In order to have the video card stay initialized.
Or else I would have to remove my old sound card which has support for vista ( was an xp card) and doesn't work anyway like it used to as far as sound access to the cards original software application.
and reinstall the video card in the x8 slot.
reboot from a cold boot ( because the new hardware install initializes the video card)
shut down again because that cleared the x16 slot as well.
reinstall the video card in the x16 slot and reinstall my sound card.
so i remember now every night to place it in sleep mode not shut down.
Looking for a new motherboard.