Official GIGABYTE Forum

Brand new Master RTX 3070 - Damaged cooler


Brand new Master RTX 3070 - Damaged cooler
« on: March 23, 2021, 03:19:40 pm »
I recently got my hands on a Aorus RTX 3070 Master.

I always change the thermal paste on new cards or coolers for something I know is good. And when i did this with my new card I was greeted with a cooler than looks like this! :

What on earth did the manufacturer of this cooler do to it, and why did it pass QC like that!


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Re: Brand new Master RTX 3070 - Damaged cooler
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2021, 12:32:44 pm »

I agree those scratches look horrible, but they are superficial and will not affect cooling performance.  Options now - I'd put it back together.

For future: Any modifications, thermal paste, etc can be grounds for a denied warranty claim, once you start taking stuff apart.  I'm not suggesting you did anything, but taking the cooler off a new card without even testing it...  that's looking for trouble.  If you do have a future problem..  A vendor could ask you what you were doing in there in the first place...  or if their was a performance problem to begin with?

Not much else to do now, but put it back together. 
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