Nail on the head me thinks! ...... with so many variable's......TV brand, cable brand and length.........

.......25 bickies is probably worth the plunge
OR I never thought I'd be saying this in my life-time but you might be able to do it wirelessly a tad easier!.
Seagate have a new product ......i think called a "Wi-Drive' ...... effectively a 500GB drive with a wi-fi transceiver and battery (5 hrs on the go or wall socket) pack in the one package........can supply enough bandwidth to run 3 apps on........might be with investigating as well
there probably several similar branded kits that do's a Apple copied concept without the SSD and price tag
Would make a wicked data router as well in the middle of the house tethered up to one main machine!....

Aussie Allan
Aussie Allan