Hi there,
I am trying to get 15 monitors working on my system.
I have a gigabyte GA990fxaud5 motherboard with amd fx 8150, 8 core CPU and 16 gb dual channel Kingston ram.
I also have 4x firepro 2450 video cards
3 of x16 here:
http://www.naplestech.com/shopcart/firepro_2450_pcie_x16.aspand 1 of x1 here:
http://www.naplestech.com/shopcart/firepro_2450_pcie_x1.aspI am running windows 7 pro 64 bit
I have 2 of the x16 cards installed and its working fine and it takes me to a black screen that says "loading operating system" and then everything else goes smooth and takes me to the windows os. When I run the system with these 2 video cards everything runs perfectly and I can get 8 outputs.
The problem is, when I put the third card in the system, the system boots, gets passed the bios (where I can press esc to access bios) but then it takes me to a black screen with no further activity.
It's when I place the third card in, is when this black screen occurs without having any message.
Maybe the systems confused with this third card. Maybe it's something in windows 7 settings. Or maybe bios.
I have installed this exact firepro driver:
http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/fire/8-743-3-2/Pages/fire_win7-64.aspxI researched like a mad man, but can't find a solution ... Can you please give me some options and some steps I can take. Surely you would have encountered similar issues in the past with ur customers .
Oh and btw, I have purchased ultramon 64 bit and it's installed on my os...
I am sure it's a windows 7 pro 64 bit hack/change we have to do, a bios thing and/or a driver thing.
Do I need to have SLI or CrossFire to run multiple video cards? How do i do that for these video cards I have?
What are the settings in the BIOS that will enable these 4 video cards.
The expansion slots on the mb are compatible with the 4 cards and it does have enough grunt to handle these cards, but it's now getting all 4 cards to operate together on the os.
Please help me. I don't know how to get the third and fourth card working .
I wait patiently for your help options and steps that I can try.
Hopefully u know what's up and can give me some options and steps to follow just by reading this email. As soon as you do I will follow them exactly and hopefully it will be resolved without needing to call...
I await your expertise