Dear all,
my HDD did'nt spin up after a restart or power on start.
If the board displayed the Bootscreen with the error message "No Boot device found", I remove the SATA Power Plug from the drive an reconnect it after a few secounds.
After this i Reset the Computer an the HDD is spin up an d Windows is running.
Actually I have install a Samsung F3 Patch an the Beta BIOS F6k from the Gigabyte Website
Did anyone have a idea, what can I do for solving this problem?
Regard Peter
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-900FXA-UD3; FW: F6k
CPU: AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T Processor 3.20GHz
OS: Windows 7 64Bit
HDD: Samsung HD502HJ (500GB), and two Samsung HD103UJ (1TB)
RAM: G-Skill F3-12800-CL9D8GBXL