I was really impressed with this board till now.....
Ill explain, I have been running my 1055t @ 3.92GHZ for months now. Reset bios the other day and setup OC again. Left stability test on while I slept.
Woke up and found PC with no power. And would not power on.
I proceeded to "drain" power supply by holding power button which worked. System lights when on and fans spun up, only thing is immediatly I started hearing a weird noise from VRM/MOSFETS area, then sparks came out and it lit on fire....
Had to blow it out.
Now after some investigating looks like its a BIOS issue with UD3 boards and voltage regulation for VRMs.
Now im in the process of RMAing the board, my question is, could CPU be dead too? I did read there is surge protection on these boards, but im still skeptical.
And if CPU is dead too, will Gigabyte cover it? I did read that someone got new mobo,CPU and RAM from gigabyte after an incident like this.
Also once new board arrives, will issue be solved by running latest F7e beta bios? I was running F6 official. This sucks now I have to spend 2 weeks with no computer.