i purchased one h61m-ds2 mother board and built a system with g630 intel dual core,500 gb sesagate hdd and corsoir value select 4 gb ram(1 module)
me using cheap china made 450 watt psu. i built the system about a month ago. the mother board is imported to india on june ,12. it has f7 bios manufactured on march ,12(probaly).
IT has booting issue but intermitent.when the booting problem happens it entered in dual bios uefi screen ,instead of usual gigabyte logo and then system stops(front leds indicaters,cpu fan and psu fans also) and then start after 2 to 3 sec. this start and stop happens usually twice and then it ultimately boot.
now this booting symtom happens, eg 2 out of 10 times.
sometimes if start immediately after shut down it happen again.
i have set the bios to optiomized default.
after booting no problem. it can run more than 2 to 3 hrs(didn't test for more than 4 hrs).
pls guide,is it a mother board issue or sud i replace psu first.
the psu has only 10A in 12 volt range. pls guide