I have a z68x-ud7-b3, with a brand new Samsung 840 Pro 256 Gig SSD. I copied the drive from a velociraptor 300 gig drive, and I swear my boot times are SLOWER on the SSD then on the velociraptor.. Once win 7 (x64) is loaded, I get nice read and write speeds > 500M/Sec.. which is awesome, but why does the bios/boot process take so long?
3770K (4.9 Ghz)
32 Gig Ram
With specs like that this thing should boot in < 8 seconds.
Running bios F11a.
Also note, its on the First Intel SATA Port, running at 6GB/Sec, on the secondary port I have a Raid Extreme Drive (60Gig SSD Cache) on a 1TB 7200 Rpm Drive.