I have the same problem with my GA-H77-DS3H board, anytime I try to boot using an XMP profile the board won't boot, restarts a few times on it's own then finally stays running. The problem is compounded by the video mode used by bios won't sync with my monitor so I have to pillage the wifes old 14in Dell LCD monitor to see the bios screens. It's strange that easytune 6 will let me boost the memory speed to 1600 and the board stays stable, but it just won't boot using the XMP profile. Am using 2 PNY XLR8 sticks @ 8gb (16Gb total), BIOS F7, i5-3550 E1. The build is 3 days old so I dunno if I have a faulty component or just setting it up wrong.
<update>I contacted PNY, they feel it's a BIOS problem with the board. A shame neither PNY or Gigabyte has an up-to-date memory compatability list so I can see if my memory is compatable or not, but if it's not compatable it shouldn't run in 1333 mode, right ? So I wait for Gigabytes replay to my support request....