I got the same noise problem. Just set up my system today and heard that annoying noise. Im so much sensitive to noise and tried to set up a silent computer. Wanted to write down here and keep the issue alive thus i registered.
X58A UD3R version 2.0 Bios FB
i7 930
enermax modu 87+ PSU
gigabyte gtx460 1gb VGA
After reading this forum. I disabled CIE and noise is much lower right now.
Actually im a loyal gigabyte mobo user. my last 8 mobos were all gigabyte,
Got the similar issue (mobo coil noise) about 6 years ago with another gigabyte mobo too. and after all years hearing it again is disappointing.
wish They somehow will find out how to get rid of this. im also ok with mcgyver type of solutions like gluing parts
at least HQ must consider to change/warn their part (coil , capacitor) supporter about this to prevent further issues in next party mobos.