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Gigabyte X79S-UP5 WiFi


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Gigabyte X79S-UP5 WiFi
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:47:55 am »

As the topic line said, I have above motherboard mated to the i7 4820k using the F5e Beta BIOS accompanied by Corsair XMS3 DDR3 2000 RAM.
The rest of thee system makes no difference as it is entirely trouble free anyway.
My problem started a long time ago, even with i7 3820 which worked...well, best would describe as, it just barely worked! So, while same CPU could be pushed up to 5GHz on any other board, I had no chance in hell to hold it at 4 on this one. Reason, no 125MHz straps...oh, they are there but non functional! Means, if you want to use it, you have to prepare yourself to reset BIOS less or more gazzilion times, yet the process would be unsuccessful! So, why bother.
Stability wise, despite being marketed as one of the "workstation" boards, this one of the most unstable boards I ever had. It's even worse than old Epox's absolutely disgrace! Total waste of money!
The board is not faulty, means everything works, yet when it works is important part of the sentence!
Because of the BIOS!
I am sure it is!!
How can I prove this?
Well easy!!
Try straps...wont work...try any OC minus purely multi based and it will crash! Even multi based OC crash all the times...even non OC CPU crash all the to the point!
Now,  I used F4 BIOS...which renders variety of onboard hardware useless, like USB3...or, stick a card into single slot and you lose variety of the hardware onboard! Like, if I insert my TV tuner card, which, surprise surprise, works 24/7 in my HTPC...there's no way to work in any slots except a single one...which then if populated renders my RAID non existent and therefore afterward completely destroyed!!!
in a  few words  said, I feel sorry for myself iinvesting A$330.00 for such utter.....
Do you know that using a wireless Microsoft Desktop 7000 is useless on this mobo? you think that a Gigabyte own, Aivia keyboard, a wired one will work? You're way in hell!
So in short, I have perfectly burned money onto utter piece of... and a year of wasted time and effort and so much frustration that it limits to unbelievable...
You know...
For a simple test, I bought a refurb AX79 ridiculous price of A$39.00...and guess what...none of above issues existed!
But...I haven't just burned A$330.00 for no reason, as well as I haven't wasted my year ripping my hair out having a waste on my desk!
So...I am asking for a help...does anyone knows anything about that ridiculous mobo or not? Is there any functional BIOS or not? Are this mobo going to be fixed ever or not? Should I RMA it or not?

Heidi Ingolstadt
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 05:13:37 am by Heidi »