I see that there is a F9 version of the BIOS for GA-Z87X-UD3H, but it says "(
Note) Please use the efiflash.exe included in the zip file to update this BIOS."
There are no other instructions...anywhere...on Gigabytes's website. Nothing. In fact, using their search engine at the top of the page, I can't even get a hit for "efiflash.exe" or "efiflash", which doesn't make sense because it's on the BIOS page for this board.
The manual talks about Q-Flash and the @BIOS utility, but nothing about efiflash. I did find this page,
http://www.gigabyte.com/webpage/20/HowToReflashBIOS.html which talks about those two options and a DOS option, but zero about efiflash.exe
It would be nice if the instructions for using this utility were covered
somewhere on the site or in the manual. I don't want to 'try' anything with a BIOS update utility if I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do.
Also, any reason why this BIOS version can't be installed using two relatively modern utilities that Gigabyte has? BTW, I used @BIOS to flash from F7 to F8. I would have used Q-Bios but I'm not getting any BIOS screen video on a DVI-D connected monitor (one of the reasons I'm tyring to update...hoping for a resolution)
