Official GIGABYTE Forum

z87x-ud3h error D2 no drive detected

z87x-ud3h error D2 no drive detected
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:56:22 pm »
Hello :/ very stressed, many hours trying to upgrade system and it won't load.

i7 4770
MSI r9 280x
OCZ 650w z-series silver
OCZ SSD Vertex sata 3
Seagate HDD
Sony DVD
G.Skill 1333 4x2GB RAM

I get the boot cycle, and it ends on error D2 than repeats. I have tried unplugging countless things to the motherboard, when I have the ssd or hdd plugged in I get the error. When I do not it goes to boot from the DVD which is in a sata port. At some point it did boot and recognize the drives, I installed Win 7 and proceeded to install drivers from the mobo installation disk. After 2 reboots, it again did not recognize the drives and has done the same since. In the bios I can see the drives in the boot menu, but they do not boot, I get the error. I have f7 bios, I tried to q-flash update it but said no driver found.
Please help, looking for solutions besides sending my parts back. If it worked already, and detects the drives and is just not loading/booting properly I feel there must be a way to fix it. I don't see any other errors so far.

Tried more things, no success. Booted from dvd, reinstalled windows, on desktop now. Going to try and update bios from here, replug my ram in too maybe after. I'm sure I'll be back to no ssd found again soon :(
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 02:20:36 pm by Primlock »

Re: z87x-ud3h error D2 no drive detected
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 10:32:58 pm »
>.> no replies eh.

So what I ended up doing is
- Install Windows 7, the drive can be found and partitioned from there.
- BIOS changed
graphics disabled
xHC and eHC diabled (USB stuff)
AHCI & Hotplugged all drives
Legacy on every option I could (basic boot options, over the other ones, less errors)

Now I have no idea if any of those BIOS options fixed it, but they are what people did for similar problems on similar mobos, or the same problem.  The mobo basically has garbage software. I'm sure it's more complicated than I know, but the programming should just turn things on and off with what it detects, rather than error in a loop.
Essentially the windows installation changes the boot commands to ignore the error they were creating.
And hopefully the bios changes mentioned, fix it from creating the same error again. I didn't go back to test it, after 15 hours I didn't want to waste another one with the possibility of none of it working.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 10:34:00 pm by Primlock »