Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z87-D3HP ACPI CPU Temperature Bug

Z87-D3HP ACPI CPU Temperature Bug
« on: August 12, 2014, 12:03:09 pm »
The CPU and System temperatures reported in Easytune and System Information Viewer are not varying at all.
I've run Prime95 so both cores are running at 100%, and the temperature remains the same, 30c.

I've run speedfan and HWinfo64, and the CPU and System temperatures from the IT8728F chip are correct,
and the individual temperatures for the Intel Cores work.

The two temperatures on the ACPI, which I assume are the same as those reported in Easytune, also do not vary in Speedfan or HWinfo64 when the cpu is being utilised at 100%.

After a few minutes of running Prime95 so the cpu is warmed up, I've rebooted in BIOS, and the CPU temperature is reported as being in the 58-59c. Then when the system goes back into windows, Easytune reports the temperature as 30c, and stays there.

I have been using Easytune to overclock, but the same situation remains whether I overclock the system or not.

GA-Z87-D3HP Bios F7c
G3258 Anniv. Edition