Official GIGABYTE Forum

GTX 980 G1 Gaming Please Help!

GTX 980 G1 Gaming Please Help!
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:24:00 am »
Good Day,

Please forgive the long post, but I just want to be clear as to my issue and what led up to it.
I just installed my new Gigabyte 980 G1 Gaming today and I'm running into performance issues. I had been running with an MSI 970 Gold edition (and  GTX 690 before that), couldn't find a second card for SLI, so I decided to sell it and get a 980.

Prior to installing the 980; I uninstalled the drivers. PhysX, MSI Afterburner and Kombustor. Shut down, swapped cards, booted and Installed the latest driver 344.75.
I had also run the Heaven 4 Benchmark on the 970 using the Extreme preset (twice) in order to have some numbers to compare to the new 980.
Before installing Afterburner or changing any clock speeds, I ran the benchmark : with the 970 my score had been 1880, with the new 980 2179.
I noticed that Gigabyte had their own overclocking software. As I was unfamiliar with it I installed it for a look. As it didn't seem as good as Afterburner, I installed Afterburner and then later un-installed the Gigabyte app.
Now to my problems.... On several occasions, once when several videos were playing in Chrome and once during a benchmark: I seemed to lose the video signal and my monitor (via DVI-I) reported no signal. the signal seemed to return after a minute of so. This problem seems to have been corrected by setting the Nvidia control panel to Max power from Adaptive.

The main issue is this when I now run the heaven Benchmark, my scores have dropped to only ~1827!
Using Afterburner I see that although my boost clock is correct @ 1327, my Power percentage is only ~ 55%.
This is both during the benchmark and also during Far Cry 4 when GPU Usage is ~95%. I also observed at one point while stressing the card with Kombustor, my GPU clock was only in the triple digits. After a reboot, I haven't seen that issue again.

I have since re-installed the drivers, but the issue persists. I suspect that somehow, something from the Gigabyte program...some fighting with the drivers and/or Afterburner.

As this card has a dual BIOS, how would I reset the BIOS, if necessary
At this point, I'm not too sure what to do....please....H E L P !

Almost forgot:
Running a 2600K @ 4.2, 8GB RAM, DVD, 2 mechanical HDs, Corsair TX 850 W P/S
Win 7 64