Official GIGABYTE Forum

R7-370 On Intel DP45SG Motherboard won't work. UEFI BIOS?


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R7-370 On Intel DP45SG Motherboard won't work. UEFI BIOS?
« on: September 18, 2015, 08:38:17 pm »
I kind of assume the problem is BIOS related, but let me outline what I have found...
I wanted to move my GTX 960 to another build and install my new Gigabyte R7-370 (GV-R737WF2OC-2GD) in my Intel DP45SG build.  But the Intel board won't recognize the card.  No display, no beep code.  CPU and GPU fans spin, but nothing else.    The board has the latest BIOS available.

The R7-370 is good because it works in my other (older) 775 socket MSI board from that same era.  It is strange that the new UEFI BIOS equipped GTX 960 works with no issues, but the R7-370 is not recognized.  I would have expected just the opposite.  And the Intel board is even AMD Crossfire capable.  So I'm shocked the AMD card isn't recognized.

Am I just stuck with the situation, or is there a solution? Can I flash the card to a BIOS that will work?  Is there a BIOS switch on the card? Thanks.

Intel DP45SG
4x2GB DDR3 1333 RAM
Corsair TX650M PSU