Thank you for the replay.
You are absolutely right, Raid0 is not a safe way to keep your data safe.
I also use raid0 only for editing and I have real time backup of projects EDLs to an other location, but not for other data.
The usual way here is copying all the recorded material on a server which put the material on two places, then when there is a time to edit you will take copy to the edit station on raid0 drive for editing.
This time i were in a hurry to copy the material from those cards, those cards were needed asap for more filming and I did not have the time to startup the server, only this time, and then this had to happen.
There is nothing wrong with ether of those two drives, one of those drives is in the state assigned but the other one is stated FREE.
What happened is the free stated drive were ejected in windows do to a mistake.
So the question is: is it possible to assign the free stated drive back in to the original raid0 with out loosing any data?
Best regards