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I don't get the 4-pin fans on my new GA-X99-UD5


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I don't get the 4-pin fans on my new GA-X99-UD5
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:15:44 pm »
Hi I'm about to build a system based on a Gigabyte GA-X99-UD5 m/b and I want to make sure I buy the right fans.  All of the fan connectors on the M/B  are 4-pin.

The manual seems to imply that ALL of the fans are PWM controlled, because for every fan they allow you to specify 75% PWM value per centigrade thru 250% PWM value per centigrade.

BUT the pinouts they give are different:  The pinouts for the system fans are 1=GND, 2=speed ctl, 3=sense, 4=VCC.  However the pinouts for the CPU fans are 1=GND, 2=+12V, 3=sense, 4=speed ctl.

I've never seen a 4-pin fan that isn't PWM controlled.  So why the different pinouts?