Official GIGABYTE Forum



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« on: August 21, 2016, 07:22:03 pm »
Having read a lot of posts on here and been using and still am using a gigabyte board with a Pentium 4 desktop configuration with 4GB and yes it works fine on windows 10.

Id say a good 90% of people need to have a lesson or two in what to do beofre you go blowing that lovely tower you just spent big bucks on to pieces by the ignorance of others. This is intended for those who come up with crazy fixes to clearly mechanical issues that require replacemnt.

Rarely if ever have I seen mentioned the use of an "Anti Static wrist band connected to earth. Even less do I hear the simple tip of touching the case prior to touching equipment inside to ground the static on your body. Gigabyte wont mind if your stuff goes boom they have plenty to sell.

Ive only spent 40 years building these things and fixing them for people to know the mistakes and how costly it can be. Like walking round with an i7 processor in your trouser pocket at school and wondering why it doesnt work when plugged in. Amazing.

Heres a few tip on protecting yourself and your gear.
1. Power down or shut down your PC, DONT just pull the plug. Press reset and then turn the PSU off. If you dont know what a PSU is then dont bother reading any further.

2. Disconnect the mains power lead and stow it safe with the socket unplugged or at the least turned off.

3. Before you open the case get an anti static strap on that grounds you to earth to prevent sparks generated by clothes and other bodily actions like combing your hair, Im bald so I dont get that issue.

4. If your going to be taking the thing to pieces make sure you have the right tools and an anti static surface to put things on.

5. Make darn sure you know exactly what your doing, if needs be go through it in your mind a dozen times, think before you do anything.

6. Make sure the item your working on is secured in place and dont go drinking over it, moisture and PC's dont mix. Never have never will and for those about to hit out with the obligatory liquid cooling systems, same applies to them, they get filled outside of the case not inside it and never mess with it unless its ALL out of the case.

7. If the math is bad then dont even bother trying it. Seen a post on here said a guy used 4 strips of ram an it got him an amazing 24GB of ram, hmm I doubt that as a 3GB strips never been made, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc.

8. Be very warely of those who say they did it themselves and it worked first time. Check to see if other threads elsewhere concur with the solution. I get lots of repairs from people who say "But I only did what the post said" its what it  didnt say that causes the problem.

9. If you insist on playing with the processor socket, be sure you know where your motherboard supplier is and how long you have on the warranty.

10. The Zero Foce insertion socket was made funnily enough so that you just have to place it there, not  use a screwdriver or crowbar to remove it.

11. Dont forget to replace the heat sink paste before you put it back together.

12. A six pack doesnt make the job easier, get a twelve, it lasts longer while you watch the game on TV and think on what you could have done.


14. Check, check and check again to make sure everythings back where it came from and nothing is left spare. Odd screws, well either you or the PC lost one.

15. Have the right tool for the right job. And if in doubt take it to an expert to get the job done, it may cost a few bucks, but they have to fix it if its done wrong.

My companies been running 20 years on that thesis and still keeps going, so the rules work. Biggest rule of thumb, if in doubt ask the manufacturer support team, thats why they are there.