Hi guys needs some assistance or some other ideas to attempt
System specs
I core5 2500K
gigabyte b75m-d3h
2 x 4GB ram DDR3 1333MHZ
I have a problem with the board not being able to post, no error beeps, in fact nothing out of the ordinary.Basically used the board with a HD6870, the fan controller failed, and basically the card overheated while playing, noticed it short quite quickly.Managed to turn off the system and removed the HD6870.
Replaced it with 570GTX I have as a back up card just in case, booted up fine, loaded drivers rebooted.It since then not been able to boot since then.
What I have done so far.
PSU is working
570GTX is working
Ram is working
I can't confirm if the 2500K is working, doubtful it is the problem as I had it under coolermaster hyper 212 evo, keeps it pretty cool.
Tried to force the backup bios by pressing and holding the power button
Removed the battery and left it overnight unplugged.
Tried different slots for the GPU
Tried different GPU's
Removed ram to force the board to give an error beep but that gave me nothing.
Even tried the onboard graphics unfortunately only have a VGA capable LED monitor, so can't test DVI or HDMI ports either.
Pretty sure the board is likely dead.Have ordered a new board and CPU already. Is there some thing I missed, especially trying to force the backup bios.I don't even think it's getting that far, you never know thought.Just a random odd failure I have yet to see a graphics card overheat and take the board with it, but only having installed another card and booting successfully with that card.
There is definitely signs of life fans and every thing else start up, able to reset the PC as far as I can tell, and I can power down the PC again.
Thanks for the assistance, hoping to make my self a nuance more often in future