I am thinking of getting this motherboard (
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128425 ) for the build. I only plan on using one graphics card. And I do not plan on overclocking my RAM, maybe the processore a little. I am curious as to how high some of you have overclocked on a board like this to. On the other board I was considering I have seen people talk about overclocking to 4Ghz+. I really dont plan on going that high, but I am curious as to how well this board deals with overclocking.
Also. I plan on gaming on it. Mainly World of Warcraft, but I would like to play Modernwarfare and maybe a few other newly released games on it.
So all in all, I would like some honost opinions on how well this board works for gameing and some overclocking.
All help is highly appreciated.