Hello my name is Bex!
I don't really have "weekends" as I'm only off Wednesday's and Thursdays

I do however get to finish early on a Friday so once every blue moon when we can afford it, we go out for dinner and a pint (me and my fiance that is - 2yrs officially together as of May 1st! - Love him very much and we're engadged so sorry lads!

I'm forever tweaking my PC on my days off, OC'ing and trying to see what limit I can hit that day... Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. Lately it's all bad thanks to Asus... I'll not go into too much detail but basically I'm stuck with GPU's that die the same way every time, crap replacements and crap customer service! T_T
So when I'm done tweaking and my hubby'kins is home, I like nothing better than to sit down, watch latest episode of House MD, Family Guy and play games with my mates and colleagues - mostly COD4/5, CSS, DOTA, bit of WOW, L4D - currently playing my way through The Witcher just now as well.

When I'm not doing that, usually eating or sleeping........ ok mostly sleeping! I'm a lazy bum when I'm given the opportunity!
Soon to be moving home with Mike and his parents due to wages cuts at work and recent TAX bills that were meant to have been paid but for whatever reason, haven't, and the money that's meant to be paying them has "disapeared" into my dodgey landlords account. Not amused about this...
Hopefully getting a mortgage and new flat soon though! My baby needs space!!!
This is my baby btw -

She's still a work in progress but I've postponed work on her for now due to finances and the number of times I have to drain and dismantle to replace cards which even on water have the same issues as stock. (I'm running a 3D force 4870x2 atm and works fine compared the Asus cack!)
Er I'll stop rambeling now!