I appologize if I'm off topic here, but it seems I have a fellow gigabyter with a Windows 7 64-bit installation problem?
I have games hang at random and the display driver crash and recover with a 'diplay driver stopped responding and succesfully recovered' error logged in eventviewer. If you don't give it time to recover, it looks like the system just locked up.
Have a look in eventviewer. Administrative tools.
The problem was worse with a Windows 7 installation with all drivers from mobo disk.
Now with only a minimum of drivers/apps it runs a bit more stable.
I have a clean install of XP pro on a separate partition and there is NO problem there.
I have searched for days for a solution to this and in vain and my best advice is to try run games whatever in Windows XP or Vista SP2 compatability mode (right-click shortcut -> properties) or run in xp sandbox if possible.
It seems Windows 7 has just not come out of beta mode yet. Deja vu anybody.
Best of luck to you tho and if you find a fix please post.