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Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE


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Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« on: August 18, 2018, 03:10:40 pm »
All of a sudden at almost the same my two old MOBOs failed working. GA-7N400Pro2(first one older than following)- Asrock Alive Dual eSata2. Both are universal ones with Sata/IDE and Raid. They have always been installed outside cases.
Yes had cooling problem with GA. still processor could be better cooled from outside. had it on a frame to get space to surface to add large cooler from below.
Since its a very complicated story i will lead you to the detailed threads in Sysopt. com forum
All i can say, after almost 6 weeks i could make both running again and Ga-7N400 Pro 2 even allowes me shutting down PSU by turning switch off. Must be tested if i can also remove cable.
At the end one could say among other problems mainly with halve-defective PSU(Asrock) on both MOBOs halfdefective or totally nonworking capacitors are the reasons for sudden deaths. both pcs had been working excessively since i had. Ga since 2004 if i dont err. Asrock maybe 10 years-
When changing drives(be it HDD-ide to Sata) i always had to clear cmos/battery-removal Now at GA... i could form capacitor(s) to be able shutting down PSU(SWITCH OFF). on Asrock i still have to enter cmos-data.
Since i have multiples of both MOBOs I will setup later a second Asrock with replaced capacitors.
See links in following sysopt-thread.
on GA i have also a Sata-boot-problem. its very complicate-pls read.
but its related also to a bad Bios see here:
Some also replaced a newly programmed BIOS-chip!
Newest SIL(Silicon Image)-drivers were wisely deposited here:
SORRY it seam wrong link in Sysopt-tread will check if i can find. but i downloaded data.
I will use second from top for winxp.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 03:11:37 pm by 3dreal »


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 02:42:32 pm »
Are you really surprised that a 15 yr old motherboard has failed?

Time to upgrade.   8)

Z390 AORUS PRO (F10) \850w, 9900K, 32GB GSkill TriZ RGB - 16-18-18-38, RTX 3080Ti FTW3 Ultra, 960 Pro_m.2, W11
Z370-HD3P (F5) \750w, 8350K, 8GB LPX 3200 - 16-18-18-38, GTX 970 FTW SC, Intel SSD, 2TB RAID1, W11
Z97X-UD5H \850w, 4790K, 32GB Vengeance, RTX 2080 FTW


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2018, 06:10:42 am »
I could form the decisive capacitor(s) responsible for holding Cmos-content. could shut down PSU. We will see on next start.
Gigabyte was rather not used anymore since last 10 years or less. Was backup when newer Asrock would fail. currently bought again another Asrock. will buit this up with same component and then using HDs which are now running on a half-dead MOBO. halfdead in the manner i cannot shut down PSU.
i know now where the reviving problems were. e.g. monitor had to be triggered sometimes during start. image noch shown sometimes. the same happens sometimes. and boot will stop early. then have to shut down_soft-off.


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2018, 08:34:00 pm »
Please return the mobo to the museum you took it from
Nothing to see here, move along....


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2019, 06:31:17 am »
I am about to get another copy of the GA-7N400Pro2 after a US-cityzen thought not to control the package.
Could also update SP3 and install final updatepack also could update to latest possible Firefox 48.02(nonSSE2-processor).
But it was a long way. this way i could study why these steps were blocked.
Next is cloning tiny HDD to a larger one.
Firefox is still crashing from time to time. and FB-editing text or replying maybe annouyingly slow.


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2019, 05:25:45 pm »
Why continue with something that old and therefore unsupported on an operating system that's well and truly out of date?

You are much better off buying a new motherboard, memory, processor and graphics card
Nothing to see here, move along....


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Re: Drama about old GA-7N400Pro2-Dying/dead capacitors-BE AWARE
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2020, 04:00:26 pm »
iI already have a newer MOBO which is also affected. since mid 2018. but also could reactivate. There must be a reason why i still have them in action. its not your beer.

I also have much new Ultrabook_ Acer. Be aware of Swift 5 i7-16/1 TB, it may-and i am sure it has-a major hardware/software-problem with dying keyboard and Screen, after a soft hit on the ground. it has shocksensor which will deactivate these. but people with no hit are also affected by the keyboard-problem. swift 5 is ultralight(almost 1kg)