What comes to mind is disable that adapter's sleep mode (device manager) and see how it fares..
Will do.
On the topic of Aquantia AQC107
To not open another topic on the matter, in case someone has the same problem:
DO NOT use the driver from aquantia.com website.
Tried it. Most websites load just fine. Speed is great but a few websites just don't load at all.
Debugged this for the last several hours in vain only to discover that installing the latest driver from gigabyte product page fixed the problem.
Might also be the cause for the nic disappearing. Time will tell.
later edit:
It seems I spoke too soon.
The network card did not disappear, but still, I cannot connect to some services, for example my TeamSpeak3 server.
After many trials, I pinned down the problem to "tcp/udp checksum offload" for IPv4. Disabling it fixes the problem with connecting (UDP) to my TeamSpeak3 server.
Enabling the setting again results in loss of connectivity to the server. Tried it 5 times to be sure

No clue if it is from Aquantia drivers, Windows or a hardware problem.
Hope this helps someone.