Hi Soar,
You haven't worn me out at all. Now DM, there's a person to wear me out!!! 
When it comes to RAM it is a bit of a tricky area really. If I am being honest I would say to go for 1333 Mhz RAM and save yourself a lot of grief. But, if you are hoping to overclock your CPU a bit then I would say go for some 1600 Mhz RAM and downclock it to 1333 Mhz. This will give you some headroom to play with.
If you could give an indication of what you want form this build it would help to give you a better idea of which RAM to go for.
Absic, Thanks again for your help. I was hoping to run the RAM at 1600Mhz if possible, but it appears that this can be much more of a challenge with the AMD chip and MB if I am hearing you correctly.
Yes, I fully understand your statement about grief. I experienced more grief on my last build [the i5-750] then all other builds combined. It was confusing for me. Fortunate for me, DM helped me and we were able to discover the root cause of the problem...faulty RAM was the culprit. After changing out the RAM, everything is excellent now. I am thankful for the help and understanding I received here.
Ok, why am I building this hex core? This may sound silly, but I am building this system for three reasons:
1. I received a super deal on the CPU/MB combo [can't find prices that low (under $200) anywhere in the USA now].
2. I like to keep things somewhat "future proof" in the sense that my system will not become obsolete in the next 24 months
3. When my friends at work ask what type of computer I use at home I can tell them a six core processor and watch as their eyes become bigger than apples and then they think I am much smarter than I really am.
[just joking on that last one]
What do I want from this system? Good question...
1. Speed with minimal or no lag [I dislike waiting] [and yes, I am waiting for SSD prices to drop a wee bit lower].
2. Stability and reliability
3. Video encoding eventually [Here in the USA, Windows Media Center permits to record OTA (over the air), thus, I can record movie after movie absolutely free and it is 100% legal]. ***Once appropriate software is available, I would like to convert all the Windows Recorded TV Show (.wtv) into a format that is more easily storable and usable.
4. Gaming on very rare occasion [on rare occasion, I like to play Delta Force Extreme 2 and Crysis]. My wife who is my greatest treasure does not like it if I do lots of gaming.
I received the wake up call when one day she came home and asked how long I was going to have two wives...she told me the only thing she saw every day when she returned home was the back of my head...and that she was tired of talking to the back of my head...I considered shaving the back of my head and painting a handsome face on it, but realized that probably would not work...
So, gaming on very rare occasion my dear Absic!
BTW, what do you do for a living besides listening to all our computer related challenges? And do you play any games? And what type of rig are you running there?
My wife and I presently serve as educators...