Just built new computer and have a few problems and questions.
During boot up it says 'detecting hard drives, done, no drives found' followed by 'verifying DMI pool data' and then 'boot from cd/dvd'. But then goes ahead and boots up anyway from my SSD. But then it always shows 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer'
(pic of steering wheel) Program name: GUI MFC Application
Verified publisher: GIGABYTE UNITED INC.
File origin: Hard drive on this computer
Whether I select yes or no the computer then functions. My guess is that it needs to find the drive during boot up and then it won't show up the other fault. But I don't know how to fix it.
Other components: 6gb Geil PC3-12800 CL=8-8-8-28 : i7 930 CPU : 128GB Crucial SSD : 1tb WD had drive : Fenrir cooler : Sony DVD rewriter : Corsair TX650W : Sapphire HD5770 Vapor-X : Windows 7 64 bit OEM
SSD (boot drive O/S) connected to the 6gb sata port number 6 set ot AHCI : Hard drive on sata port 0 set to AHCI : DVD set to sata port 9 set to IDE
Boot order is set to CD then hard drive
I will post other problem seperately but twice I have had a BSOD 6.1.7600. Also I bought an overclocked motherboard bundle but I don't think it is. Most of the settings are on auto and the memory is running at 1066 whereas its rating is 1600 and the processor is set at 2.0ghz How do I test this, any assistance greatly appreciated, Note, I did a memory test and it seemed ok.