No and this is really a pain as I cant find the same issue anywhere on the net which makes me think that it may not be a driver issue so you see both sides. I run the site and got the board because the ASUS just wasnt cutting it in USB 3 whatsoever. The bigger board was also needed compared to the rampage because I just got a Revo for testing and have a LSI 9260-8i on the way.
I am truly hoping it is the board because another is on the way and I am pushing this review to get the P67 which they have only let one other have thusfar...
So goes my tribulations..
Oh the USBs that wont work are a Super Talent 32GB Ram Cache and 64Gb SuperCrypt which work fine elsewhere
And Tx for your help...truly. If I can ever return the favour...
Oh as well....there is power going into the usbs that arent recognized...they heat up in fact...