Hello everyone.
Today I wanted to go to safe mode and I was reading that you enter the safe mode of Windows 7 with F5. Ok so I restarted PC and I pressed F5 because I thought that this is the actual key to enter safe mode. Then bios auto recovering showed up and computer restarted. Then I entered bios and it said that it recovered because of my memory that was runing at 1600 mhz. My memory actually runs orignally at 1866 but motherboard downclocks it to 1066 mhz, that's why I put it to 1600 mhz at 1.64 voltage. It was running well till I noticed that in bios.
Now I'm wondering, does that mean that I lost main Bios or something and i'm now running backup bios? Because I didn't flash bios, I just restarted PC and pressed F5 and bios recovering showed up. I hope that I didn't lost main bios. Please help?
Hmm.. And what if I accidently pressed F8, would that destroy my primary bios?
Is there any way to find out which bios i'm running?
There is another option, is it possible that auto recovering showed up just because primary bios changed ram settings to stock , because when I restarted comp I saw only 1066 mhz and not 1600.