Official GIGABYTE Forum

Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update

Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:05:25 pm »
Using the Gigabyte flash utility yesterday I flashed my BIOS from revision F4 to F9. The reason being I am about to install an Intel E8400 CPU and needed a higher revision for the board to recognise it - P35-DQ6.
All went well. I rebooted into Windows 7 and everything operated as normal. However, I realised that the flashing had reverted the boot sequence to the default of Floppy/hard drive/CD/DVD. I don't have a floppy drive so I changed the sequence to CD/DVD then hard drive and disabled the floppy drive in the BIOS. That's when my trouble started.
When I rebooted after the change I couldn't get into Windows no matter what I did. I couldn't even use the recovery disk nor could I use the original Windows installation disk.
Eventually I pulled the CMOS battery out of the motherboard and re-installed it. This now allowed me into Windows recovery and enable me to choose a last know good start up and Windows loaded and has done so ever since.
However the boot sequence has reverted back to the default and I'm not game to change it again. Can anyone advise what might be the problem?
Also, I'd like to remove the Gigabyte POST splash screen, I didn't have this previously so any tips on how to disable it would also be appreciated.

Dark Mantis

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Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 09:14:27 pm »
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Firstly I take it that you used the @BIOS utility to update your BIOS version. If so this is dangerous and we don't normally advise it.  It could well be that is what has caused your problem in the first place. I would suggest reflashing the BIOS with the latest version but using the QFlash utility in the BIOS.

Once you have dowloaded the BIOS update unzip and copy it onto a USB pendrive.

Press the"End" key as the computer is POSTing and you will be taken into the BIOS flashing utility "Q-Flash".

At the QFlash homescreen disable the Keep DMI Data option before proceeding.

From there just follow the prompts to find your file and DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER under any circumstances.

It will look for the pendrive with the file on it and use that to update the BIOS. One thing to note is that the pendrive may show up as a floppy or hard disk instead of a USB drive.

Once it has completed you can reboot.

We have since found out that the problem with getting some motherboards to "see" the USB drive is a case of using as small a drive as possible, well at least under 2Gb, and even then some will be seen and some won't. Just a matter of luck.

As for the splash screen you can disable it here: BIOS/Advanced BIOS Features/Full Screen Logo Show.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 09:17:12 am by Dark Mantis »
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy

Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 10:02:28 pm »
Thanks for the info Dark Mantis, I did use the @BIOS utility. I worked out the disabling of the splash screen and disabled it, rebooted and my troubles started all over again, and again to get back into Windows I had to remove the CMOS battery again and I then was able to restore to a last know good start up. It appears I cannot make any changes at all in the BIOS as whatever I try causes this problem.

I will use Qflash as you described. One question, can I re-flash to a lower revision. I went from F4 to F9 and thought this new revision might be the cause, I only need F7 to be able to install the E8400 CPU.

If you feel it would make no difference then I will stick with F9.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 09:17:26 am by Dark Mantis »

Dark Mantis

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Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 09:20:14 am »
There is no problem with flashing you BIOS to whatever version you want. So yes try F7 and see if it does make a difference. Make sure that you do the update step by step as I listed. It does sound like a corrupt BIOS.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy

Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 09:16:24 pm »
I flashed the BIOS via Qflash still using the latest revision F9 as you suggested. I installed the new CPU and booted up and all went well, the CPU was recognised and Windows 7 loaded normally.
This morning I then tried to disable the splash screen, the machine rebooted and the Windows 7 start up logo loaded but then the screen went blank and stayed that way. Once again I had to remove the CMOS battery to enable me to get back into the recovery module to enable me to start in last known good configuration.
This time I got into Windows 7 recovery module and allowed it to do a repair which fixed the splash screen issue, I now can boot up and go into Windows without the splash screen. Just not sure if I should now attempt to change the boot sequence to disable the floppy drive as the first boot in case I have to go through the whole procedure again.
Could this be a Windows peculiarity and not actually the BIOS?

Dark Mantis

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Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 09:28:52 pm »
No it shouldn't do that except when you have made a change to the BIOS settings and then it will do a reboot aft you have saved and exited. It is no real problem to leave the floppy enabled anyway it may just take a second or two longer to boot.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy

Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 09:43:28 pm »
Yes, I think I will leave well alone. Thanks again for your help.

BTW that is some supersonic system you have  :)

Dark Mantis

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Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 09:52:52 pm »
Glad to have helped. Have you seen the pictures of it in the "Pictures of Members Computers" here:,2373.0.html

Actually I am just about to do a bit of a radical upgrade to it as soon as I get the new waterblock for my 6970 that has just arrived and a load of other goodies that I have been accumulating.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy

Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2011, 10:35:20 pm »
That looks fantastic, looks like something out of TRON. I take it you don't just use it for e-mails and word-processing?

Dark Mantis

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Re: Unable to boot into Windows 7 after flash BIOS update
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2011, 11:56:15 am »
No of course not!! mainly for answering forum questions ;)

Maybe the odd FPS game when I get the chance ...which isn't very often.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 11:57:21 am by Dark Mantis »
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy