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A friend/acquaintance brought up a copy of both the 32bit and 64bit Win7Pro. We installed 1st the 32Bit on a spare drive and that seemed to work with booting the HD5770 and onboard disabled. We then installed the 64bit and on the 1st reboot from hdd it froze. Later I tried at Gigabyte's support request booting with just the one hdd (which is the way I had been, I wasn't going to take the chance of Win7 taking over control of my other drives), removing at least 1 ODD which I just removed both, removing 1 stick of RAM, and disconnecting all fans except CPU. When I booted that way I got the infamous BSOD. I am able to run 32bit versions of either WIN or Linux. If I boot 64bit through the onboard video, I can use the PCIe card once logged in. I still believe that it is hardware and the failure occurs on initializing it full 64bit. It can be initialized after the boot in a 64bit environment.