I'm afraid I am out of ideas then as 101 should mean too little Vcore voltage setting.
Possibly a faulty CPU
But with such an odd fault just how does make a case for RMA'ing it or any suspect part(s). Makes me think the only way forward to is to stick with and accept that there might be a complete failure of "something" sometime.
Not sure if I described this aspect of the BSD differences in the startup ~ normally you get POST, the HDD LED shows activity and you get the OS loading etc With the 'bad' start the HDD LED stays illuminated full time and I think not all that time is audible drive noises??? I do have all three HDDs fed off of the 3 SATA power plugs from a single cable...............should I put another cable in and split the load to a 2 & a 1 (The drive are all WD Black ~ a couple of 500GB and 1TB but sure their power demand is well met off one cable???)
As for whether the CPU has a fault I did run a stress test (Intel Burn 2.5) for only 5 loops in Standard mode and the results were deemed AOK.
If indeed the vCore is too low the only setting I did not try was "Normal" which if I understand it will set it to vCore 1.3v
If the PSU for acane reason well the motherboard cable and the CPU connector are hard wired not one of the modular ones so now to try a different socket on the modular set.
I do hate a msytery

Just what is the power on to feed cycle i.e. if there is a delay in power being provided to the various components and the CPU & BIOS is detecting a too long a pause could be ID'ing it as low vCore so is it a sequence question ......could the BIOS itslef have a corruption......using the latest F15 should I downgrade to a slightly earlier version if the BIOS could be 'at fault'

Edit ~ The fact that (apparently) turning off the PSU and as such doing a fully cold boot means an AOK boot implies that something is "power" hot so to speak if the PSU is left turned on and that is having this random effect....but what components could it be that are involved??? Assuming such a premise is correct!