Hi, Thanks for your response Dark Mantis!
Well I mailed Amazon, Briefly outlining my issue: "Hi, there I bought a motherboard from Amazon on 01/06/2011 and believe it to be faulty, I understand that you do not offer warranty on an electronic product past 30 days, though according to the manufacturer of the motherboard (gigabyte), they say that uk law requires the seller to deal with the return, can you help me with this issue. The product in question has an intermitten fault with the voltage and prevents me from using power saving features due to sporadic voltage drop, therefore I feel that I can not use the product for what it was intended for."
The response I got back really astonished me, Here is what Amazon mailed back: "Hello Terry,
First of all, please allow me to apologise for the issue you have experienced with this item.
I have placed a new order #202-5101722-2196347 for the same item, and it will be dispatched as soon as possible to the same address:"
I cant quite believe how good they were and I am really impressed with their Customer service! They are also sending the M/B 1st class as well, So max Kudos to them, So i guess this is case closed, I am of no doubt though that I would of preferred to send it back to Gigabyte had it needed an RMA, I really do like this board and for the money that I paid, thought was of exceptional quality and love the matt black pcb, Hopefully the new board will work with-out the intermittent V-droop!!