Hi , just with a little humour ...
For the power supplies the capacity are often fantaisists as exacltly some 10 cm in diameter speakers can transmit 500 watts
Watts are American Watts ( Peak to Peak : destroyed just before you have the fire in the house )
I have found many power Kilowatts Amplfiers with 2 Ampères line fuse ( 220 * 2 = 440 Watts / safety marge / efficeiency finally max power is 100 watts )
Or exactly as a CPU run to 4GHz that is only a Marketing Frequency !!
That is an old American history by INTEL that alr long time said that they worked a 4.77 MHz for 8080 CPU so that it was not faster than a 6800 to 1Mhz Motorola ( base clock is not instruction time )
Then they invented speed curious multipliers
They are now talking about a GigaHertz frequencies is then that the impossible
They speak of bandwidth but if they are 64 or 128 / 256 bits, they multiply the base frequency by the number of bits in width, in reality the clock frequencies are at the most in the range of 150 MHz these days , en réality the bandwith is compared with one bit memory !!
Look at the timings in the datasheet of the component manufacturers and you'll be surprised ...