One thing sprung to mind though the OP isn't using a green hard drive is he ? You could also try backing the memory off to 1333 as that is the highest speed without any overclock. Obviously try only using two memory modules as filling the banks is welcoming other problems anyway. So just test with two maximum.
Thanks a lot Dark Mantis and Allan, quickest and most knowledgeable support I've ever received on a forum, you guys are great
I'm going to open up an RMA right now and also take a picture of the LGA bed tomorrow when I get a chance.
@Dark Mantis
The drives are WD Black series, not Green (which is WD's "green" series obviously). I'll also try leaving it running at 1333 over night and see if it freezes or anything else negative happens. If it survives the night at 1333, what would be the next step?
Edit: Also, I heard back from Gigabyte support, wrote them a very detailed report of what happened and even pointed them to this thread. Seems they didn't quite read the whole thing... this was their response:
"Dear Customer,
To using the Smart Response feature please install the OS onto the board with just the single 2TB conventional hdd first. Once Windows been installed load up the Smart Response. Once all is good and running properly you can insert the 2nd set of drives for you raid. Make sure that the Intel raid storage manager is the latest 10.6 version which you can obtain off our website or Intel website"
I had already tried what they said and told them in my report. I also said I was using the latest drivers... oh well.