Well it's just early stuff I'm messing around with, I have not altered the cooling, improved, forced or anything over how the laptop is setup (that comes later) But it would seam the A75 Mobil Platform, in my case the Lenovo A75 Torpedo with an A6-3400M 1.4ghz is able to run at 1.9ghz with ease with a voltage decrease, and a small increase in temp between when the load comes on and the fan spools up, still working on finding out how to setup my own fan profiles. For the mostpart I've been running it at default speeds with a voltage drop for extra bat life for now. However the call of the overclocker is an evil one at that, so let me share with you some preliminary overclocking I've done on the A75 mobil.
I'm expecting to be accused of witchcraft.
Linx run @ 1gb (for the sake of having limited time to play for now)

Now the exact same session, no restarts, no alterations other then on the fly P-state changes and multi scaling raiseing the multi from X14 to X19 on the fly whille droping the voltage from 1.075v to 1.0v

Some results with Wprime 32M


I'll share more with how to do this later when I've had some time to sleep, however the program I am using for this is called K10Stat.