tested both sticks with memtest 86+
stick1: failed 3 tests in 12 passes, this is the one that seemed more stable could get win7 installed then the occasionl BSOD occoured.
stick2: 158 errors before even part way through first pass, also wont play when loading win7.
Ok plan is RMA and ask for Corsair TW3X4G1333C9A as recommended by corsair configurator( thanks teknolegy9, I now remember using this in 2006 when i built my previous box)
A question for you on memory voltage. All the info on these mushkin sticks say 1.5v.
In my bios in system voltage when left in auto gives ram voltages of 1.616V
Again if i go to bios in system voltage and set to manual and normal i get 1.616V, the only other manual settings are to incrementally increase the ram voltage. There is no incremental decreace or 1.5v.
My Bios version is F8 the only one that i can see is available, dont want to get into bios flashing anyway. Aflerall this is the simplest cpu for the MB.
thanks again both of you