Unfortunately .... unless someone responds who actually has similar kit , .... you are going to have to do it the long way round ..... and that is hunt through the net for physical measurements of all the targeted components , .... write them down .... and go to a shop that has a case similar to what you want to buy and use a tape measure ..... or contact the case supplier and have a chat with them .... they usally have an idea with what will or won't fit.......
Planing on building a computer for my brother with the GA-Z68MX-UD2H-B3, a Intel i5-2500, Gigabyte Geforce GTX 560 1GB OC, with Corsair Vengeance (Low Profile if heatsink demands it) in a Fractal Design Define Mini. The max height would be 160mm, but what max would the width and length be?...............sorry for the misunderstanding ...... thought you were after the overall case dimentions
Hope this helps in some way
Aussie Allan