Hello everyone,
I have a question with my GPU usage,
here is the situation:
I used afterburner to monitor my GPU usage when playing 3D game such as BFBC2
If I am right the GPU usage should be at 95-99% as usual, but it turned out to drop to 65% or lower.
I also used Fraps meanwhile, it sometimes droped from 85+ to 60-.
I found it very strange so I am here to ask it is normal? Or it is because my Core Voltage is not enough
the following is my PC setting:
Win 7 64bit
Motherboard: 970A-D3
Cpu: AMD X4 955 3.2GHz
Vgc: GIGA 560 Ti OC (bios: f31 driver:285.38)
power: 550W
RAM: DDR3 4G*2
Thanks for attentions