to disable the BOOT Logo go to Advanced BIOS features and disable the Show Full Screen Logo.
BIOS FF on the 880GA... no such animal. Believe me, I've looked repeatedly thinking I must be missing something.
This probably won't cure your keyboard problem though, are you using a wireless one?
Wireless keyboard/mouse combo, single USB plug with a separate PS2 plug for the mouse, if needed. And an adapter for the keyboard. It still is a 50/50 proposition getting into the BIOS plugged in with the adapter.
Or even just purchase a PS2 keyboard to use in these types of situations. Always a worthwhile investment for the price of a couple of pounds!
On this side of the pond they won't give you squat for a couple of pounds. If so I've got about 15-20 I wouldn't mind shedding.

I have a spare PS2 keyboard I was using but it was a PITA unplugging it from the other machine I was configuring on the other side of the room. I've got spares of darn near everything, old 'puter stuff doesn't sell for much and you never know when you might need somethingorother. Need a serial mouse? Parrallel cable? Howzabout a 200MB IDE drive or DOS 5.0 install disks?

Thanks, TL