I just discovered this wonderful program on the information site for my motherboard (
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3856#ov ) called TouchBIOS. It basically lets me adjust all the bios settings in Windows and then restart to "activate" those settings.
In this program there's a Quick Boost button and I being the usual curious me had to try it. When I realized what it was I started out at the bottom by choosing the "Faster" mode. Restarted, stress tested and monitored the temp and it was all good. Then I decided to go further and try out "Turbo" which got to 4.3GHz stable!! Completely effortless. But the CPU was starting to get hot, up to 70°C, so I drove down to the nearest computer parts store and bought 3 more fans and filled all the optional fan spaces. CPU doesn't go over 61°C now.
So I decided to try out the "Twin Turbo" mode! And that's where it started failing. At first it restarted twice instead of once and then it loaded Windows normally and had been running for maybe 3 minutes. I was about to open up all my monitoring tools when the computer blue screened. So I restarted and after that it wouldn't go past the Welcome screen in Windows so I couldn't set it back to Turbo in TouchBIOS and had to use the old fashion way. I just reset the bios to Defaults because I have no idea what the Quick Boost actually changes.
Now I'm curious, is there a way to get the Twin Turbo mode working? Any other bios adjustments I can make so that it runs smooth? I skimmed quickly through the overclocking guide but since I don't actually change anything in the bios and don't know what settings Quick Boost changes, I don't know what to change. But I've got a feeling it's got something to do with voltages.
Not that I am unhappy with 4.3Ghz, about 900MHz faster than stock, but there's an option for 4.7GHz and I just can't let it go!
If there's anything I can try, information about it is greatly appreciated